Sunday 3 August 2008


Sunday was Formula One day. I'd missed the last one (in which Lewis cut through the opposition like a knife through butter) as J was in town but dragged my hungover head out of bed and headed down.

Was feeling a little bit homesick so called R, my usual Grand Prix partner and caught up. His wife and kids were fine but he told me to hang up and watch the race as I was about to miss a good bit.

It was a good race, but R had a point; it was made all the better by Massa losing a well deserved victory. That might sound harsh but we love to see Ferrari take a beating.

The post-race raffle was a laugh. D's girlfriend managed to win one of the bottles of wine he'd donated. I won a photo of Kubica I didn't really like so we swapped.

Also found a bunch of South Africans there and it seems biltong is available over here. My stomach is already growling in anticipation.

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