Friday 8 August 2008

Quiet night out

Friday night is DYL night at the moment.

DYL stands for Destroy Your Liver, basically it’s a bunch of people from Yelp meeting in a bar and drinking, chatting, laughing and indulging in some light flirting.

It’s not a bad way to spend an evening all in all. Meet some interesting people, visit some new bars and a good time is usually had by all. Well, no fights as far as I know and a couple of couples have got together at them.

Tonight’s was sparsely attended and with a sex imbalance that reached 100 per cent very quickly. I called it a night early and went home to bed; I was very tired.

The reason for this tiredness was that I’d had a breakfast briefing for work with a big PC vendor. The actual briefing was set to begin at 8am. Eight sodding am – it’s just not civilised. Usually I laugh at such timing but felt the need to get out there more so went.

As it turned out it went fairly well, good content even if it didn’t start until 8.30am. That might not sound too bad but I’m not a morning person and an extra 30 minutes in bed can make the difference between civil and sarky. Thankfully I’d stopped in Starbucks and was reasonably civil.

Microsoft once tried to arrange a briefing for me at a conference for 8am on a Sunday morning. I told them that was fine, so long as they didn’t mind my first two questions being “Where’s the bloody tea?” and “Who the hell are you anyway?” The meeting was rescheduled.


Unknown said...

Thankfully I’d stopped in Starbucks and was reasonably civil.

ROFL. oh yes. you, starbucks, civil in the same sentence. what a little american you've become :)

Silicon Limey said...

"Hello pot, this is kettle calling, you're a utensil of colour!" :)

This from a died in the wool Yank who now "Pops to the loo."

The fact is Starbucks is the only place to get a decent cup of tea.