Friday 25 April 2008

Farewell Humph

The world is a poorer place this morning with the news that Humphrey Lyttelton has passed on.

Humph was a master jazz player (his 'Bad Penny Blues' was the first jazz record in the top twenty) but I'll always remember him as the suburb comedian who lead the Radio 4 show 'I'm sorry I haven't a clue'. I fear we'll no-longer hear that show again, it just wouldn't be the same without Humph.

A favourite among fans was his comments about the lovely, and fictitious, scorer Samantha, eg:

"Samantha's going out now for an ice cream with her new Italian gentleman friend. She says she's looking forward to licking the nuts off a large Neapolitan."

So long Humph, you will always be missed.

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