Tuesday 8 April 2008

Getting old

After an ‘interesting’ day at work I spent the evening scouting out locations for my 40th birthday. It’s over a year away but as I’m going to be away it’s time for some forward planning.

My 30th started badly, mainly because I woke up and became instantly depressed at the thought that I was heading to geezerdom far too fast. Luckily I had a great party at Andrew Edmunds with my chums and then the evening sank into drunken debauchery that was highly gratifying.

And then in the following year I discovered that it wasn’t the end of the world. In your 30s you’re old enough to know what you want and get taken seriously but young enough to have fun. The 40s are slightly more serious but not especially so these days. In my dad’s time life was tougher – he’d had two kids, one divorce and was working his way towards the next one. This is not something to which I aspire.

It has been suggested by some friends that I’ll stay over in San Fran for longer but I want to be back to see in the big four zero with my friends and family. It’s mum’s 70th in the same month so I think we’ll have a big thing together as well. All in all, especially with the pitiful holiday allowance in the US, I’ll have to be back for good.

Anyway, life goes on, and so far it keeps on getting better. After all, could get hit by a bus tomorrow and there’s lots more life to cram in.


monkey said...

im 2 years 7 months off being 30 and i havnt really ever looked forward to a birthday very over rated but the lead up to 30 is going to be life changer i think.

Silicon Limey said...

30 is a great year, you're old enough to get taken seriously and young enough to enjoy iy.