Monday 21 July 2008

Political correctness gone mad

Now usually when you se the phrase ‘Political correctness gone mad’ it’s the sign that some bigot has found something they object to and wants to stir up the populous.

But I genuinely found something that made me wonder if the phrase has some currency.

J took me to Good Vibrations, a female friendly sex shop, and I saw a great example of this.

J used to manage a sex shop when she first went to Oz and wanted to check this place out as it had a very good reputation. I have to say I was impressed; not seedy at all and with staff who were helpful without being pushy. The last thing you want to hear in a place like that is “That cock ring would look lovely with that.”

But the DVD section made me burst out laughing, a move that brought flinty stares from two very unconvincing transvestites in the shop.

The rack of DVDs with titles like ‘Black C**kzilla’ and ‘Big Black Booties’ was titled ‘People of colour’. Now at what point does politically correct language end – if the films are called that then deal with it.

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