Saturday 3 May 2008

Goodbye Ken

It’s happened. After eight years Ken Livingstone has lost his post as mayor of London by a buffoonish racist called Boris Johnson. I’m glad I’m leaving the country if it means I can avoid the nightmare London will become under this fool.

Ken Livingstone has a lot of faults but he had the guts to push through the congestion charge, revitalised London’s transport network (and used it himself) and made affordable housing for residents a priority.

By contrast Boris, while being a very funny raconteur, has had two affairs (that we know about), is racist, homophobic and lacks the common sense of a whelk. May the gods help us.


monkey said...

Ken Livingstone, the Ex Mayor of London, rarely missed an opportunity to offend the sensibilities of decent people.
Memories are still fresh of his obscene remarks comparing a Jewish journalist to a Nazi guard, which resulted in an investigation into Livingstone by a local government watchdog in the United Kingdom. And in comments he has made following the July 2005 suicide bombings in his own city, which claimed the lives of 56 innocent people, Livingstone has often sounded like an apologist for terrorism. Livingstone also portrayed young British Jews as potential soldiers in the Israeli army, thus raising again - at a time when anti-Semitism in the UK is growing - the accusation of "dual loyalty" (it is well-known that only Israeli citizens can serve in their country's army).

An examination of Livingstone's career shows that his present statements are an unfortunate echo of his past. During the early 1980s, as leader of the Greater London Council (GLC), Livingstone endorsed Palestinian terrorism and edited a newspaper which ran a cartoon showing then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin dressed in an SS Uniform and captioned with the words "The Final Solution" in gothic script.

Since that time, Livingstone has tried to reinvent himself as a moderate and responsible politician. Yet he continues to belittle the Holocaust by invoking it to describe anything he doesn't like, and has embraced Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, a leading ideologue of Islamist terror and an avowed anti-Semite.

Al in all Ken Livingstone is a racists, homophobic, Anti-Semite and backs islam and all that its stands for in a country that is threatened by it every day, makes you think which one you want Boris or Ken?

Silicon Limey said...

It looks like we’re going to have to agree to differ on this one.

He was wrong to use the Nazi simile, as he acknowledged far too grudgingly for my liking, but the same journalist for a paper that loathes him (and did support Hitler) that had been doorstepping him for weeks. He got to him when he was pissed (yes, he drinks heavily, as did Churchill and Thatcher) and he said something he shouldn’t have.

Boris meanwhile casually tosses around "Right, let's go and look at some more piccaninnies," or "He liberated Iraq. It is good enough for me," and gets a freeish ride from the media. As for his condemnation forth e7th July watch and tell me he didn’t abhor terrorism.

I disagree with most of Livingstone’s views on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and think the Qaradawi visit was too effusive. But as he showed in the 80s when he was the first UK politician to openly talk to Siin Fein (as opposed to the Conservative government that was doing it in private), listening to both sides of the argument is not a crime.

I don’t know where you get racist and homophobic from, especially considering Boris’ above comments and his view that "Gay marriage can only ever be a ludicrous parody of the real thing.", but like I say, there’s no harm in differences of opinion.

monkey said...

All part of the fun and to be honest i dont live in London so i try not to get involved in the politics. I dont like KL because hes too matey with certain islamist and being a political figure that worries me. He is racist because he points the finger at the 'White English' as a cause to the knife/gun culture hitting London when its clearly not.
BJ is no better on any account as you have quite rightly pointed out, but this Government has messed up alot over the past 10 years and i think its time to let go, even though it pains me to push for conservative.

I have have friends who spend alot of time in the US and i think when you go to live out there for a while you will see how bad the UK has become. I believe it is a different quality of life.