Day one of the official conference and it was just as I’d imagined – fun and reassuring.
Fun because learning new stuff, and taking the piss out of people who think they can fool you by recycling old stuff, is my idea of a good time at work. Not the only way to have a good time, but let’s face it, if you’re paid to do it so much the better.
Reassuring because every time I worry about being too geeky I come to somewhere like this and realise I have a long, long way to go. When you see lines of excited techies trying to cut in line for a seminar on “Mechanical, thermal and reliability study of a non-lidded processor in a low profile socket*” you realise that while it takes all sorts to make the world go round, you are thankfully not one of them.
Still and all there were slight irritations to the day. Top of the list is overenthusiastic public relations folks. Guys, it’s a new chipset, not a cure for cancer.
* Actual title
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