Saturday, 7 June 2008

Market day

Took my last trip to Greenwich market today to stock up for the remaining week. Picked up some good fresh biltong, venison and mushroom sausages, a quarter of an Alsace loaf and a load of sushi for lunch. There's a new stand there too, serving fresh oysters - a favourite. Sadly I only noticed it after I'd started noshing on the sushi, otherwise I would have been in like Flynn. Hopefully it'll be there tomorrow morning for good breakfast treat.

Now all that's needed for the perfect fry up* is some mushrooms, and I'll pick those up from Paul the grocer down the road, along with some onions as I've a hankering for French onion soup. It'll give me a chance for a chat too, since you don't leave Paul's without a five minute rundown of the local gossip unless you're in a hurry. He stands in his window and watches the world go by, chats to everyone and probably knows more about the locals than they do.

He is also an example of the kind of greengrocer that would make the ecologically minded very happy. He doesn't stock stuff out of season for example, and picks up his eggs personally from the farm to check for quality. He grows his own herbs and while his Maris Pipers look like something that's been hacked out of a diseased dog they taste better than any supermarket fodder I've ever tasted.

*Well, it's debatable. I'm not having black pudding, just bacon, eggs, sausage, beans, fried mushrooms and toast. In the right circumstances I love a slice of black pudding with the fry up but it's more of a cold weather food. Purists would say you should have liver and onions in there as well but that's just greedy.

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